This package contains versions of the C&MLR brake wagon No 1. It comes in several liveries of which the green is the closest to the description, the blue seems more like the makers photograph, and the older grey version is simply to complete the set.

There is also a grey LMS version, a new and freshly painted plain grey version. AS always with my wagons there is also a weathered and worn one to complete the set.
On all the brake wagons the sliding van door opens when you press T. This is visible in both external and interior views and is accompanied by a sliding door sound effect.

The CMLR had over 100 end opening coal wagons to move coal from Drumlembe into Campbeltown and to the pier for shipping. The five plank 3.25 ton wagon was the most numerous whereas the six plank 4.5 ton wagon was wider and had leaf rather than coil springs as well as chop couplings rather than chains.

The liveries of the 3.25 and 4.5 ton wagons share a common set of textures. The package includes three identical plain but old timber wagons which only differ in the plank texturing to give a little variation in a long train.

There are also two old grey wagon liveries and one which is near new condition. All the end opening wagons have been set up with both a fixed coal load and also with a load that can be selected in a scenario. I have also included an old brown 3.25 ton wagon with a ballast load as it seemed the sort of thing that might be useful.

On the CMLR the wagons carried the Argyll Coal and Cannel Company (CCC) lettering as they were owned by the mine. Cannel being a type of oil bearing rock often found in mines. The wagons also carried a discrete CMR lettering to indicate on whose railway they ran ! I have included both a new and worn livery with the lettering on all the worn liveries having faded and eroded to near invisibility.

The CMLR also had a single general goods wagon. There is some uncertainty about this wagon as drawings by Pickering & Co suggest it had solid sides but a photograph and a coloured postcard show it with the slatted ends. I have used a dose of artistic license and logic to imagine how a wagon in that configuration would be constructed.
The drawings show the wagons as having a simple single wheel handbrake but being fitted with through vacuum pipes. This matches the postcard which shows the wagon located between an engine and a coach. It also suits my purpose to have a milk wagon that can be used with coaches.
The wagons are large enough to accept my Southwold wagon loads. So I have added fixed and loadable milk churn loads that use my existing Southwold wagon loaders. I have included both the milk churn and hay bale loaders in this package.
September 2015
Original release
March 2020
Green brake van added, replaced couplings, improved graphics, animations and physics
September 2024
Sound changes to give better distance fade
December 2024
Added interior view for open door of Brake Van. New CMLR open coal wagons and general goods wagon added to pack
30th December 2024
Small change to some of the files to re-enable operation of the handbrakes. A change made in the blueprints for these wagons caused the handbrakes to show in the F3 menu as “on” and not changable when they were actually “off”.
January 2025
Update to resolve possible sound issues causing crash to desktop introduced in Sept 2024