These are items that are used in stations and railway yards. A number of them are specific to a narrow gauge of 2′ 3″ such as engine sheds or track crossings. There are also road signs in this pack because they share a commmon texture set with other railway items.
Items indicated by a * are interactive, such as coaling stages and water towers.
Items marked by a # are new for the September 2024 release v2
LMVLR Content
Hulme End station building
Hulme End engine shed
Hulme End carriage shed
Waterhouses goods shed
Waterhouses station buildings – original
Waterhouses LMVLR station building updated #
Waterhouses signal box
LMVLR station signs
LMVLR halt building
LMVLR station benches
Swainsley tunnel mouths
LMVLR loading gauge #
LMVLR coach shed height gauge #
2′ 3″ Track Content
Water tower and crane *
Locomotive coaling stage *
Southwold platforms in two widths
Engine shed crane
Telegraph poles with placing tool
Wooden Single track foot crossing- original
Milk churn loading platform
Single track crossings of ballast, soil, sand & stone #
Loose and stacked narrow gauge 30lb rails #
Narrow Gauge train lights as scenic items #
General Content
Weigh bridge and hut
Coal merchant staithes
Various lights
Platelayers hut
Railway warning notices
Whistle posts
Track speed limit signs
Loco ash mound
Assorted road signs
BR / LMS standard gauge loading gauge #
Coal shovel, spade and coal barrow with wheels #
Wagon Loaders / Unloaders – new for Sept 2024
I usually ( and will continue to ) include wagon loaders with the relevant stock. However, for the LMVLR these need to be in place even if you don’t have the stock. I have included these assets in this pack to allow the bulk loads to be used for my various wagons. To operate you need to be coupled to a wagon parked alongside the asset. Press T or click on the asset to load or unload.

Milk Churns. Load and Unload
This is an bulk loader for the Southwold Railway open wagons. It will load or unload a full wagon of milk churns. The unloader / loader can be identified because it is the only churn to have a label.

Hay Bales. Load and Unload
This is an bulk loader for the Southwold Railway open or flat wagons. It will load or unload a full wagon of hay bales. The unloader / loader can be identified because it is the only bale to have a label.

Coal. Load and Unload
This is an bulk loader for the Southwold Railway open wagons. It will load or unload a full wagon of coal. The unloader / loader is simply a shovel that can leaned against any wall, fence, post, bag, heap or even lying on the ground.

Coal. Load and Unload
This is an bulk loader for the my EziTip Skips. It will load or unload a full skip of coal. It looks no different to any of my non-interactive coal sacks but it still works.
May 2014
Moved from LMVLR combined asset pack. Significant reorganisation and updating.
September 2024
Many new assets added ( marked # above ), glass windows updated in LMVLR assets